
Prof. Ahmad Alkhatib


                       Dr. Ahmad Alkhatib                               



Prof. Alkhatib is a British scientist recently joined the University of Taipei following a distinguished career in developing numerous successful academic and research programs at top UK universities and internationally. He is a leading expert in lifestyle prevention of chronic diseases, having established and chaired both public health nutrition and sports sciences departments at prestigious institutions (Qatar University; Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait; Abertay Dundee University, Sheffield Hallam, Lincoln and Greenwich) before joining the University of Taipei. His achievements were recognized with fellowship of the Royal Society of Medicine, fellowship of the UK Higher Education Academy, and Nutritionist accreditation. Prof. Alkhatib has over 100 key publications including three books, including a recent best seller (Sedentary Lifestyle, Health Risks and Physiological Implications, 2016). 
姓名: Prof. Ahmad Alkhatib
現職: 臺北市立大學 運動科學研究所
學歷: PhD Exercise Science (Physiology and Metabolism), University of Essex, UK
研究領域: Functional Food Interventions, Herbal Supplements in sport and Health, Workplace Interventions
電話: 02-28718288 ext 5803
傳真: 02- 2875-3383
地址: 111 臺北市士林區忠誠路二段101號