
楊艾倫 教授





Exercise is good for cardiovascular health

Exercise is well known to reduce the cardiovascular risk, such as decreasing high blood pressure. The moderate-intensity exercise can decrease the elevated blood pressure and delay the onset of hypertension. Moreover, the high-intensity exercise has significant effects on cardiovascular function in healthy subjects. However, the effect of high-intensity exercise on hypertensive subjects remains unclear. Recently, our laboratory has found that acute high-intensity exercise can improve cardiovascular function in hypertensive animal model, especially enhancing vasorelaxant responses. In summary, the high intensity of exercise intervention might be considered as one of therapeutic agents to ameliorate cardiovascular function in hypertensive subjects clinically.

Dr. Ai-Lun Yang


姓名: 楊艾倫 教授
Name: Ai-Lun Yang
現職: 臺北市立大學 運動科學研究所 教授
學歷: 國立成功大學基礎醫學博士
研究領域: 運動生理學、心血管生理學、心肺功能研究、物理治療、老年醫學
電子郵件: yangailun@gmail.com
電話: 02-2871-8288 ext. 5815
傳真: 02-2875-1116
地址: 111 臺北市士林區忠誠路二段101號